Python range operator in lisp.

I've sometimes wanted a quick 'range' equivalent in common lisp. There are likely other or easier ways to do it but this way is mine.

Simple example to make a list for use:

(loop for i from 1 to 5 collect i)

Easy, runs from 1 to 5, makes a list, its not lazy.. I don't think, but maybe there is a better generator.

Say if only evens were desired:

(loop for i from 1 to 10 do (when (evenp i)) collect i)

note: that none of this is lazy, its not ideal.

There used to be another github library titled "Generators The Way I Want Them Generated" which looks really cool but the account ahs been deleted. I have a clone of a the source on quicklisp/ultralisp although it seems that mr cbeo (the original owner) account has terminated.

The other alternative is 'snakes' which is available from

When I get around to needing the lazyness of them, i'll put some demos here.


Author: Wade Mealing

Created: 2022-08-19 Fri 22:21